📌 QuickStart Guide

Your cheat sheet guide to the dashboards from Alt/Finance and how to use them for your research.

Key Market Insights

Available on all free and paid plans
For key insights on art market trends with sales totals, sell-through rates, and regional trends.

Use Cases: Best for reports on art market trends, key statistics, quarterly reviews
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Appraisal Report

Available on Appraiser & Business plans
For appraisal valuation insights  with relevant market comparables by the artist, object type and series.

Use Cases:
 Best for appraisal reports to be used in estate and insurance use cases.
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Artist Performance

Available on all paid plans
For insights on market trends for artists to provide art advisory, collection management services.

Use Cases: Best for insights on market trends for artists to manage your collection.
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Auction Performance

Available on all paid plans
For insights on auction sales performance to analyze key lots, sale composition and price results.

Use Cases: Best for tracking detailed auction sales performance
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Private Market Insights

Available on Expert, Appraiser, Business plans
For insights on private market sales at exhibitions and art fairs.

Use Cases: Best for unique insights on sales activity in the private market.
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YoY Auction Results

Available on Expert, Appraiser, Business plans
For side-by-side comparisons of two auctions of the same type.

Use Cases: Best for comparing changes in auction sales performance for the same category.
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Artist Comparisons

Available on Expert, Appraiser, Business plans
For side-by-side comparisons of artist market performance.

Use Cases: Best for market benchmarks on artist performance.
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Upcoming Sales

Available on all free and paid plans
For upcoming auction and private sales of artwork.

Use Cases: Best for tracking upcoming sales for purchase or research.
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Art Themes & Groups

Available on Appraiser and Business plans
For thematic analysis on market performance by art themes and groups.

Use Cases: Best for insights on thematic performance of artwork.
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✨ Available on Expert and Appraiser plans

AltFinance Schedule Automations

Supercharge your Research with AI-powered Automations

Improve your art market research workflow with powerful automations that help you
save time and boost productivity.

AltFinance Check
Trigger Text Alerts for Key Market Events
AltFinance Check
Financial Performance Snapshots with YoY Historical Comparisons
AltFinance Check
Schedule Email Reports with Snapshots of Market Results

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